Routine Aquarium Maintenance
Routine Aquarium Maintenance
- Check the water temperature. Average temperature is 24 - 26 °C / 75 - 79 °F.
- Check all the fish. Check for signs of unusual behavior like gasping and signs of ill-health like white spots and red marks on the body.
- Check that all the electronic equipments are working properly
- Feed the fish. Do it every morning and evening. Do not overfeed and remove any uneaten food. Most common cause of water quality problems is overfeeding!
- Make a 30 - 40 % water change. Remember to add necessary water treatments like tap water conditioner. Refill the aquarium with water that has roughly the same temperature as that in aquarium. Clean the glasses to prevent algae grow on them.
- Trim plants. Remove damaged and dead leaves.
Clean the substrate. For coarse grain substrate use gravel cleaner to hoover the substrate. For fine gravel substrate use gravel cleaner or just water hose and hoover any dirt on top of the substrate. Poke the substrate through by fingers.
- Clean the filter. It’s time to clean the filter when water flow is reduced significantly. For internal filters typical maintenance time is 1 - 4 weeks. For external filters typical maintenance time is 2- 6 month.
Add root fertilizer for plants. Add tablet fertilizer especially for plants that have thick roots like Echinodorus and Cryptocoryne every 1 - 2 month.
- Change fluorescent tubes
- For internal filter change the filter foam. If needed change the suction cups.
- For external filter change seal parts and biological filter. Clean filter hoses. Change filter hoses if they are hardened.
- Check trough the silicon seals. The silicon seals should be elastic and solid
- Change more that 50% of water at once
- Remove substrate from tank and wash it separately
Try to avoid any radical and big changes!